

Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted seeds, called coffee beans, of the coffee plant. Coffee beans are the seed found in coffee cherries, which grow on trees in over 70 countries, cultivated primarily in Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Africa. 'Green Unroasted' coffee is one of the most traded agricultural commodities in the world.
It is one of the most-consumed beverages in the world. It has various kind which have different smell and color. The smell is the most tempting things that makes people wanted to drink this beverages more and more. The most famous is Robusta and Arabica coffee. While both widely cultivated, Coffee Arabica (Arabica) and Coffea Canephora (Robusta) display marked differences. The beans are different. The plants are different. And consequently, the use varies as well.Arabica is grown at higher altitudes. Its cultivation demands great care, and it can be likened to the finest grapes grown at the world’s leading vineyards. Robusta, as the name suggests, is a hardier plant, and it displays greater resistance to climate and weather conditions, diseases and heat.

Perhaps the most significant difference rests in the cup.

Arabica is distinctly milder and more aromatic. It possesses fewer sharp and bitter tastes than Robusta, and it is therefore considered the superior species by those who cultivate specialty coffees, single estates and varietals. Robusta is renowned for its higher caffeine content, which is why Italians began using it for espresso.

The coffees are also botanically different. Arabica’s greater complexity derives from its 44 chromosomes – twice the number of Robusta. An Arabica bean is flatter and more elongated; in addition, and the furrow on its flat surface is elongated. It is relatively deep green in color before roasting, sometimes with a bluish tinge. The Robusta bean is more convex and roundish. The bean’s furrow is straight, and it is pale green with grey or brownish tinges. Arabica is the more expensive of the two, another factor in why Robusta is sometimes used in blends.
Indonesia is currently the fourth largest producer of coffee in the world. Coffee has a colourful history, and has played an important part in the growth of the country. Indonesia is blessed with an ideal geography for coffee growing.

Coffee is a mystery that wrapped in brown, show a  fragile enigma, enveloping your senses of beans. While your mind wrapped in a warmth the essence of dark roast that will linger and thrill you. Many call this devil's fruit, second only after oil, but please pass the cup to us and take the beauty of the vast where God in His innocence began to grow the Devil's Fruit. 

Try the freshness of our coffee and enjoy your sanctuary.


Introducing you our new products of Civet Robusta and Arabica green and roasted coffee bean or powder.
The other are Organic Aceh Gayo Robusta and Arabica coffee bean and powder.Both packed with vacuum aluminium packaging that will keep the coffee freshness.


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